This campaign has now closed
Our programme provides young people at risk of exclusion or who have fallen behind at school with a safe space to explore their aspirations and hopes for their future and empowers them with the knowledge, tools and academic attainment required to achieve their goals and improve their wellbeing.
1 in 4 young people in RBKC are living in poverty. A child living in poverty will, on average, develop slower, do less well at school, have poorer physical and mental health, and will generally have reduced life chances than wealthier children. Disruption as a result of the pandemic has had a lasting impact on many local young people, exacerbating the issues they were already facing. Many are now struggling with low self-esteem and challenging behaviour, increasing their risk of school exclusion
We will address these challenges through: Academic Support: helping students that have fallen behind to feel confident in their numeracy and literacy skills. Aspiration Raising: increasing student’s aspirations and knowledge of future pathways. Improving self-esteem and wellbeing: providing students with the necessary tools and support to develop positive communication, confidence, increased emotional resilience and personal behaviour management.