This campaign has now closed
This time of year spotlights the vast levels of consumption of things we don’t need. But our planet, our home, is in crisis. We need to make giving back to nature as normal as it is to take it for granted and do it now. Restore the balance. Make the change from consumer to restorer today.
Driven by want, not need, humanity is plundering the Earth's precious resources at a staggering rate. In 2021 the Black Friday weekend saw US and UK consumers spend more than £18bn in under 48 hours. Yet while we know our planet is in crisis, less than 2% of global philanthropic giving goes to our Earth, far below what is needed. And the local communities, those least at fault yet most affected by this excess and greed, struggle to meet their basic needs.
TreeSisters is about more than planting trees. While this is vital to protect and restore our planet, humanity needs behavioural change on a large scale to end the climate crisis. We have the power to create change through our choices, not just today but every day. By donating to TreeSisters, you are choosing to work in alignment with local communities, empower women into leadership, fund ecological restoration and push for global social change. You are choosing to make a difference.