This campaign has now closed
We want to continue to provide free basic English classes that are women only, to help the women we work with, who are either survivors of abuse or are struggling financially. These classes help women access our other services including work placements and support around domestic and sexual abuse.
Women are often unable to learn English at formal college settings as they lack the basic language understanding and the confidence to apply to such courses. They also often can't afford them. Without English women are limited in accessing work, in communicating about their children's education, about their own and their children's health, and about sensitive issues that they don't want family to interpret for them. Our classes build their confidence and open up their world.
We provide a free comfortable environment for learning with qualified teachers, accessible learning and a creche. Women are from a wide range of countries and with a range of languages so all the women are learning together, and the different languages encourage them to all use English. The participants can retake the class to further develop their skills and confidence, though we do encourage those with good basic English to then move to more formal courses.