This campaign has now closed
In line with demand, we'll extend our offer of 1:1 psychotherapy and youth worker-coaching sessions for marginalised young women from ethnic minority communities; providing person-centered support to improve mental health and education/employment outcomes for young people aged 16-19 years.
Children & young people (YP) are reporting higher instances of depression, anxiety, and loneliness, compared to older cohorts, and this is most evident in concerns about their future schooling and/or careers. 'Children in Lockdown' report found that '2 of 3 YP are worried about a future recession,' '1 out of 2 YP are worried about rising unemployment levels' and 'only 7% of YP are feeling fully in control of their future.' This is exasperated for those transitioning, and from BAME communities.
We'll extend our 1:1 psychotherapy and youth mentoring provisions, which were rolled out in July 2020 in response to declining mental health in the wake of the pandemic and disruption to life. We'll support up to 80 young women with your donations, providing individual blocks of therapy sessions and/or mentoring support with a qualified psychotherapist and/or youth worker to resolve depression and anxiety and provide support with regards to pathways to education/employment and transitions