This campaign has now closed
This is your opportunity to support MacIntyre in the Big Give Christmas Challenge. Help us 1-8 December raise as much as we can for children, young people and adults with learning disabilities & autism to access ways of using technology to learn, enjoy new experiences & connect with people & family
The Covid-19 pandemic left a huge fundraising hole for MacIntyre with all planned events canceled & fundraising ground to a halt. Keeping people we support connected with loved ones & community was crucial Sadly not everyone we support has technology such as iPads, laptops etc, the pandemic has shown how digitally isolated some people are. MacIntyre has been working hard to provide equipment, connectivity & training to ensure those with learning disabilities & autism are not left behind.
With fundraising support from the Big Give Christmas Challenge, we can enable areas still in need, to buy equipment and arrange connectivity for vulnerable people. Providing people we support with access to new experiences, the opportunity to stay connected with family and friends and an opportunity to use technology to learn new things. We believe this fundraising support & investment offers many short and long term benefits to each person, we as a charity support both young and old.