This campaign has now closed
Please help us raise the money required to support all parents through our parenting app, Baby Buddy, to give their children the best start in life. Baby Buddy is available to all parents but is particularly aimed at families with the worst health and social outcomes.
Health and social inequalities across the UK are unacceptable. Inequalities are caused and perpetuated by inequity in the provision of healthcare services and by a lack of parental confidence, knowledge and know-how in the transition to parenthood. A baby born in Blackpool is 13x more likely to be born to a mother who smokes than a baby born in Westminster; 20% women develop mental health problems during and in the 1st year after childbirth; Black women are 5x more likely to die during pregnancy and childbirth.
Baby Buddy was scientifically designed to support the transition to parenthood through pregnancy & during the first 6 months of a baby’s life, to improve outcomes and reduce inequalities. We work to: ● empower parents and parents-to-be ● enhance conversations between parents & professionals ● help parents maximise their own physical, emotional and mental health; as well as their child’s health and development With 300+ films, goal setting, FAQs & daily tips, the app is free for all.