Capacity building for staff and volunteers of Alzheimer associations by training and exchange of ideas between different countries.


  • Health/Wellbeing Health/​Wellbeing
  • Beneficiaries

    • Older People Older People

    A strong effective Alzheimer association is better able to meet the needs of people with dementia and their families. In many countries Alzheimer associations are the main source of information and support for people with dementia and their families and in some countries the only source. Associations provide direct support services such as self help groups and telephone help lines; printed information materials about dementia and how to live with it; training courses for family carers on how to manage dementia and practical help for carers to give them respite from caring. The Alzheimer University programme is a series of workshops and residential training courses to equip staff and volunteers of Alzheimer associations with the skills to develop their organisations. The programme is structured to meet the needs of participants and to enable them to learn from each other. Topics have included leadership, strategic planning, communications, effective governance, recruiting and supporting volunteers and advocacy. A special Alzheimer University programme, ‘Building an Alzheimer Association’ is offered to new associations in developing countries. Expected outcome: · The Alzheimer associations of the participating countries will be strengthened enabling them to provide effective support services to people with dementia and their families. · Participating Alzheimer associations will be equipped to identify the issues facing their associations and develop their own strategy for sustained and effective growth. · Participants will leave the programme with motivation and inspiration for developing their Alzheimer associations. · Time is set aside in the programme for participants to identify three objectives for developing their Association that they wish to achieve as a result of attending the programme. Financial breakdown: 1. Accomodation/venue £ 5,000 2. Participants travel £ 10,000 3. Workshop leaders £ 2,000 4. Materials etc £ 2,000 5. Staff time £ 5,000 Total £ 24,000


  • Health/Wellbeing Health/​Wellbeing
  • Beneficiaries

    • Older People Older People