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This project will improve the lives of rural families in Mali. For people heavily dependent upon natural resources the project will provide training in systems of production and market behaviour that will enable families to generate the income to diversify diets and buy foods in times of shortage.


  • Community Support & Development Community Support & Development
  • Education/Training/Employment Education/​Training/​Employment
  • Environment/Conservation Environment/​Conservation
  • Beneficiaries


    For rural populations in Mali, highly vulnerable to food shortages and crop failures, forest products such as fruits, leaves, nuts and seeds are a critical resource, vital to meet daily household needs and also as a potential source of income. Without the technical capacity and basic materials for investment they are unable to make tree products work for them, and risk over exploiting the forest resources that could be their pathway out of absolute poverty.


    This project will build alliances and forge market links within the rural populations of Mali, bringing local organisations rooted in the community together with key government agencies to fully realise the potential of trees. It will enable villagers to get tree product businesses up and running and support them in managing their forest resources in such a way as to secure future supplies of the tree products to feed these enterprises.


  • Community Support & Development Community Support & Development
  • Education/Training/Employment Education/​Training/​Employment
  • Environment/Conservation Environment/​Conservation
  • Beneficiaries