This campaign has now closed

We want to address the issue of domestic abuse amongst young teenagers in Wiltshire. We plan to a pilot project of a twelve week programme in a secondary school near Salisbury. One series will be for girls, one for boys, with up to 12 teenagers in each.


  • Health/Wellbeing Health/​Wellbeing
  • Beneficiaries


    A 2009 Young People’s Survey conducted across Wiltshire revealed that 23.6% thought it was ok to use abuse/violence against someone; almost 50% thought someone would deserve abuse/violence in a relationship if they two-timed a partner; 54% thought people were responsible for the violence they may experience in a relationship. 1 in 4 sixteeen year old girls know of someone else who has been hurt or hit by someone they were dating.


    We want to challenge these attitudes. The 12 week programme a series of practical exercises for working one to one and in groups. Areas it will cover include defining abuse; anger management; costs, benefits and effects of abuse; understanding abuse; sexual respect; conflict resolution; and sexual respect and jealousy.


  • Health/Wellbeing Health/​Wellbeing
  • Beneficiaries