As winners of the Fishing News sustainability awards 2022. Ghost Fishing UK is on a mission to work alongside the fishing community to reduce and remove harmful ghost gear from the sea. The charity has new projects planned for Shetland, Norfolk and Cornwall in 2023.


  • Animals Animals
  • Education/Training/Employment Education/​Training/​Employment
  • Environment/Conservation Environment/​Conservation
  • Beneficiaries

    • General Public/Humankind General Public/​Humankind

    Conservation organisations have long had difficulty working with, never mind being in harmony with, the fishing community. Ghost Fishing UK this year broke down that barrier, recognised for their efforts at the Fishing News Awards and their methods proving extremely popular at the Scottish Skipper Expo that followed. By working with the fishing community,lost fishing gear reports are expected to be more forthcoming and opportunities to reduce ghost fishing in the first place easier to implement.

    Train more divers to survey and remove ghost gear. The more divers around the UK we have, the bigger the impact. We have a recycling solution for lost nets of almost all materials and these need to be cleaned, transported and processed to a facility in Scotland for complete recycling into plant pots. This creates a circular, viable pathway out of the sea and into a process where the nets can never return to the ocean.


  • Animals Animals
  • Education/Training/Employment Education/​Training/​Employment
  • Environment/Conservation Environment/​Conservation
  • Beneficiaries

    • General Public/Humankind General Public/​Humankind