This campaign has now closed
Our Champions for Children 2022 campaign will help to offer disadvantaged young people aged 14-16 in London a programme of career coaching and guidance, which will empower them to take positive next steps into education or training in pursuit of secure and fulfilling employment in the future.
At age 16, a young person must make decisions about their future that have lasting consequences. Despite this, there is a striking lack of support, which is especially harmful for lower-attaining, disadvantaged young people, who often face a complex transition away from their secondary school. This increases the risk of disadvantaged young people underachieving and missing out on life-changing education and career opportunities, which perpetuates cycles of poverty.
We will work in partnership with schools, businesses and supporters to offer lower-attaining, disadvantaged young people a two-year programme including: - 6 hours of career coaching with a trained volunteer - the opportunity to speak with a role model in their target sector - 1:1 careers meeting to make a post-16 plan that suits their aspirations and potential - support through GCSE results and course enrolment. Together, we will empower pupils to pursue fulfilling careers and bright futures.