This campaign has now closed
We are at a critical moment in the fight to save red squirrels in Scotland. Funding is needed urgently to support local communities, volunteer groups and landowners in their efforts to ensure that red squirrels remain a part of Scotland’s native wildlife for the future.
The rapid spread of non-native grey squirrels continues to pose a very serious threat to the future of Scotland’s native reds. Grey squirrels are able to out-compete reds for food and living space and can also carry the squirrelpox virus which is lethal to reds. Our project has made significant progress in securing a future for reds, but the pandemic set us back: plentiful grey squirrel food supplies in 2019 meant that their numbers surged just as our grey squirrel controllers were locked down.
Our project has established that it is possible to halt the decline of red squirrels by co-ordinated grey squirrel control. Together with partners, landowners and a network of groups and volunteers, we are monitoring squirrel numbers across the country and helping to combat the spread of grey squirrels in key strategic areas. Our efforts are making a difference and in many places, red squirrels are making a comeback. However, there is still work to do to secure the future for reds in Scotland.