This campaign has now closed
The Bog Squad project works with volunteers to restore lowland bogs in Scotland to benefit wildlife, butterflies, and the environment. By rewetting peatland, we improve habitats for declining wildlife, mitigate against the effects of climate change, whilst also connecting people with nature.
Many of Scotland’s lowland bogs are in poor condition due to historic drainage for agriculture and forestry. These damaged bogs are drying out, leaking their vast deposits of carbon into the atmosphere contributing to climate change. Wildlife is suffering too as species which are highly adapted to living in tough boggy conditions, such as the Large Heath butterfly, are forced out by declining habitat quality.
Through volunteer action, we work to restore lowland bogs by carrying out actions to help re-wet them, so that natural flora and fauna can thrive, and peat formation can take place again in the future. Our volunteers help to keep bogs wet by blocking ditches and removing water-sapping invasive scrub. We will also be supporting volunteers to carry out a nationwide survey of the Large Heath butterfly on lowland bogs and highlighting the damage caused to the environment by using peat-based compost.