We are the only UK charity working on prevention, prediction and early detection of all five gynaecological cancers (ovarian, womb, vulval, vaginal and cervical). We have helped thousands of women, pre- and post-diagnosis, through our nurse-led cancer information service, Ask Eve.


  • Cancer Cancer
  • Information/Advice Information/​Advice
  • Medical Research Medical Research
  • Beneficiaries

    • General Public/Humankind General Public/​Humankind
    • Minority Groups Minority Groups
    • Women & Girls Women & Girls

    As a gynaecological cancer charity, we know that social inequity only increases the burden of cancer on a national scale. Deprived communities, minoritised ethnic groups and older people all face structural inequalities, which contribute to higher cancer risk and poorer health outcomes. In the UK’s most economically deprived communities, the rate of vaginal cancer incidence is 89% higher than in the least deprived areas. Vulval and cervical cancer rates are 75% and 69% higher respectively.

    Given the considerable scope of this work, we will drive these activities through our flagship cancer information programme ‘Ask Eve’. The programme is fully established and has been led by specialist gynaecological nurses since 2016. In its present form, the Ask Eve service responds to a lack of gynaecological cancer awareness across the broader population, but with limited tailored provision for marginalised audiences.


  • Cancer Cancer
  • Information/Advice Information/​Advice
  • Medical Research Medical Research
  • Beneficiaries

    • General Public/Humankind General Public/​Humankind
    • Minority Groups Minority Groups
    • Women & Girls Women & Girls