At Birth Companions we believe that no woman should go through pregnancy, birth and early motherhood on her own. That’s why we offer practical and emotional support to women experiencing multiple disadvantages before, during and after their baby’s birth.


  • Health/Wellbeing Health/​Wellbeing
  • Human Rights/Advocacy Human Rights/​Advocacy
  • Information/Advice Information/​Advice
  • Beneficiaries

    • Infants (<2) Infants (<2)
    • Women & Girls Women & Girls

    We support pregnant women and new mothers in prison and the community facing difficulties such as housing issues, domestic and sexual violence, trafficking, mental health issues, drug and alcohol problems and involvement with social services. These multiple challenges as well as isolation and a lack of support can make being pregnant and having a new baby a time of anxiety and stress instead of the special, experience it should be. They were even more isolated this last year due to the pandemic.

    Being pregnant, giving birth and becoming a mother is a life changing time for a woman. The flexible, compassionate services we offer to women facing severe disadvantage helps them feel more positive about themselves as mothers. Practical and emotional support provides them with a strong basis for parenting, enabling them to give their babies a better start in life. All our services are women led and focus on giving women non-judgmental support that they ask us for.


  • Health/Wellbeing Health/​Wellbeing
  • Human Rights/Advocacy Human Rights/​Advocacy
  • Information/Advice Information/​Advice
  • Beneficiaries

    • Infants (<2) Infants (<2)
    • Women & Girls Women & Girls