A Rocha’s global environmental education (EE) activities are equipping and empowering children and communities with knowledge, skills and understanding to live sustainably, including tackling climate change and plastic pollution. A Rocha International provides capacity building and resources.


  • Education/Training/Employment Education/​Training/​Employment
  • Environment/Conservation Environment/​Conservation
  • Religious Religious
  • Beneficiaries

    • Children (3-18) Children (3-18)
    • General Public/Humankind General Public/​Humankind

    It is widely held that we have lost many of the connections with nature we had just a few decades ago. This disconnect prevents us from appreciating the impacts of our actions on the environment, such as climate change and plastic pollution, and the ability to rethink future alternatives. Sadly, it is often the poor who feel these effects most acutely as many rely on local natural resources for their everyday needs.

    We believe getting people to engage directly with the world around them is fundamental to environmental conservation - whether that’s beach clean-ups with Kenyan students or teaching young Ugandans how to grow vegetables in sacks. With projects in 20 different countries, each designed to meet local needs, the contexts and range of A Rocha’s EE activities are diverse. A Rocha International gives training and provides opportunities to share best practice and lessons learned among EE practitioners.


  • Education/Training/Employment Education/​Training/​Employment
  • Environment/Conservation Environment/​Conservation
  • Religious Religious
  • Beneficiaries

    • Children (3-18) Children (3-18)
    • General Public/Humankind General Public/​Humankind