This campaign has now closed
Can you imagine life without trees? For millions in the UK this is a reality, with tree canopy cover as low as 2% in some towns and cities. We believe everyone should have access to trees and nature no matter their postcode. Donate today to plant urban trees where they’re needed most.
The UK has one of the lowest canopy cover scores in Europe. A problem that disproportionality affects urban areas, with the most deprived communities often hit the hardest. Did you know only 8% of schoolchildren in urban communities have access to green space? Without trees these children, and millions of us in towns and cities across the UK, are breathing polluted air, struggling with rising temperatures, and suffering with poor mental health and wellbeing. Will you help plant tree equity?
Trees for Cities is the only UK charity working at a national and international scale to improve lives by planting urban trees. For 30 years we’ve been bringing the benefits of trees to where they’re needed most, mobilising communities to take action to green their grey spaces and restore the UK’s canopy cover. But there’s still work to be done and we need your help. By supporting our campaign today you’ll help to plant urban trees and grow tree equity in towns and cities across the UK.