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We support unpaid carers in Northamptonshire who provide care for loved-ones with a disability or long-term health condition. This is always challenging but extra support is needed for young carers (5 -18), young adult carers (18-25) and parent carers (adults caring for a child with special needs).
All carers are an at-risk group with poorer health outcomes compounded by social isolation and financial pressures. We have found three priority areas: • Parent Carers reported feeling isolated, overwhelmed, exhausted by caring and navigating the system • Young Carers called for someone who knew what they were going through to share how they were feeing • Young Adult Carers shared concerns about coping with caring whilst navigating the transition from school to further education/employment
We will launch a Parent Carers, Young Carers and Young Adult Carers mentorship intervention. Mentors will deliver 1-2-1 support and group sessions will empower participants to develop coping strategies, peer support networks and self-advocacy skills. • The programme will be co-produced in consultation and collaboration with Parent Carers, Young and Young Adult Carers. • Mentors will work as equal and expert partners to support participants in developing an outcomes focused support plan.