Every day 12 children and young people are diagnosed with cancer. It has a massive financial impact as many parents need to give up work to care for their child. This, on top of already stretched household finances, means that many families may struggle with the additional costs at Christmas time.


  • Cancer Cancer
  • Health/Wellbeing Health/​Wellbeing
  • Poverty Alleviation/Relief Poverty Alleviation/​Relief
  • Beneficiaries

    • Children (3-18) Children (3-18)
    • Infants (<2) Infants (<2)
    • Young People (18-30) Young People (18-30)

    The moment parents hear “your child has cancer” the financial impact hits straight away - travel to hospital, parking, increased food bills, extra heating at home- the list goes on. Many parents are forced to give up work and face spiralling debt as children can be in hospital for weeks, if not months, receiving treatment or from brutal side effects of chemotherapy. We can’t change the diagnosis or the outcome but we can make sure they can afford to sit down with loved ones for a Christmas meal.

    We want to ease the financial pressures families face, especially at Christmas time and send a clear message that they are not alone. We offer much needed help through one of our many support packages and want to provide supermarket gift cards to help with the additional costs at Christmas time. When a child is diagnosed with cancer, it has a devastating impact on the physical, financial and emotional health and wellbeing of the whole family, both during and after treatment and beyond.


  • Cancer Cancer
  • Health/Wellbeing Health/​Wellbeing
  • Poverty Alleviation/Relief Poverty Alleviation/​Relief
  • Beneficiaries

    • Children (3-18) Children (3-18)
    • Infants (<2) Infants (<2)
    • Young People (18-30) Young People (18-30)